Kamis, 03 September 2015

4 Types of Orgasm in Women

The peak of sexual pleasure in the form of an incredible sensation in the whole body or orgasm is the goal to be achieved every person during sex, not least in women. Remarkably women, orgasm may consist of four types while men only one.
four types of orgasm in women:1. The clitorisOrgasm can occur only through clitoral stimulation without penetrating the Miss V. Organ clitoris is located at the top end female genital lips and slightly covered. Although the size is very small, a lot of nerves in it so very sensitive.When the clitoris area get rangasangan, blood flow to the area and make it a little enlarged and can achieve orgasm.
2. VaginalThis type of orgasm caused by the penetration of the Miss V. It can occur also because of the added stimulation of the clitoris or not.
3. MixedThis happens when administered orgasm stimulation of the clitoris, vagina, and cervix. Unfortunately, in some women, stimulation of the cervix feels painful.
4. Multiple orgasms or multiorgasmeIt is a condition that occurs when the woman returned to orgasm followed by an orgasm again.
One of the main reasons why women are more likely to experience blood multiorgasme is likely to settle in the female pelvic region for so long, Although women may experience multiorgasme, but not all women who experience it. Most women only experience orgasm once, then finished. That does not mean that all women experience it, or even want it.

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